Parkinson’s UK

Tech Guide

Beautiful Voice


Company:Beautiful Voice

Page updated: 6 February 2025

Beautiful Voice is an at-home online speech coach that guides you through exercises, identifies weaknesses in your speech, and provides targeted training tailored to your needs.

Beautiful Voice is the first speech and language therapy platform to obtain UKCA Class I Medical approval.

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Beautiful Voice home page. It says "Hi John!" at the top, then photographs for voice exercises.

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The home page.


  • Personal voice coach at home
  • Identifies and targets weaknesses in your speech
  • Targeted voice training tailored to your interests
  • Interactive biofeedback
  • For both home users and speech therapists
  • Requires a tablet, laptop or desktop computer with an internet connection, microphone and speaker
  • Is it a registered medical device? Yes, Class I.


Product type
  • Website
  • Speech & communication
  • Thinking & memory
Helps with
  • Talking

Panel review

Quick overview

An easy-to-use speech and language therapy platform that provides live feedback and customisable exercises. However, some features may come across as juvenile and the software can be glitchy.


  • Easy to use
  • Exercises are customised to your needs and interests
  • Provides live analysis and feedback after each exercise


  • Some glitches in the software where some features froze or did not work properly
  • Reward features may come across as juvenile to some

First impressions

More than half of the review panel said that set up was "fairly easy” and the instructions were “very easy” to follow. Reviewers liked that all new customers are invited to have an introductory call with with Beautiful Voice’s CEO.

Daily use

Beautiful voice offers a range of voice and speech exercises. You can choose to read words, sentences or paragraphs on topics based on your personal interests. Our reviews liked the broad range of exercises, but some found the exercises too easy and were in need of something more challenging.


All the reviewers experienced some technical difficulties with the Beautiful Voice app. During some of the speech exercises, features froze or did not work as they should.


Is there any connection between Beautiful Voice and Parkinson’s UK?

Beautiful Voice donated 6 free 2-month subscriptions to support our panel review, and we pass these directly to the reviewers.

We have a series of policies and practices in place to make sure that our review is independent of any existing relationship between our organisations or staff. If you’d like to find out more about this, you can read about it in our transparency statement.

Background information on Beautiful Voice

None yet available.

Other frequently asked questions

Is there a free option?

Yes. Everyone is offered a 14-day free trial. After the trial, you can use 5 exercises a day for free. Subscribing gives you unlimited exercises every day.


  • Total: Free, for 5 exercises per day
  • Subscription: From £14.99 per month for full access