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A wrist-worn hand stabilizer designed to tackle hand tremor using motor and balance technology.

This product has not yet been reviewed.

Its inclusion in the catalogue is for information and doesn't imply a recommendation or endorsement of the product by Parkinson's UK or the Tech Guide.


Last updated: 6 August 2024

The GyroGlove is a wrist-worn hand stabilizer designed to tackle hand tremor using motor and balance technology.

What the manufacturer says

  • Reduces hand tremors instantly
  • Non-invasive
  • Lightweight, breathable materials
  • 4 hours of continuous use or 10 hours of intermittent use


Product type
  • Device
  • Tremor

Common Questions

Impartiality and transparency

Is there any connection between GyroGear and Parkinson's UK?

No, there is no commercial or financial relationship between us.

We have a series of policies and practices in place to make sure that our review is independent of any existing relationship between our organisations or staff. If you'd like to find out more about this, you can read about it here.

Background information on GyroGear

Medical-device registration

The GyroGlove is not registered with the MHRA as a medical device in the UK.


When you visit the purchase page, it's important to note their declaration that "GyroGlove does not cure any disease or medical condition and it provides no long term benefit."

Other frequently asked questions

None yet available.

Product Details

  • Up front: US $5,899 per glove
  • Width: Fits hands from 75 to 125 mm wide