Parkinson’s UK

Tech Guide



Company:Gyenno Science

Page updated: 6 February 2025

The Gyenno Skywalk is a wearable motion assistance device aimed at improving freezing of gait by using auditory and visual cues.

Based on motion perception technology, Gyenno Skywalk identifies the freezing of gait and automatically emits sensory cues to guide you back to normal gait.

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A photo of the complete SkyWalk set on its charging dock.

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  • Motion-based technology detects freezing of gait
  • Cue can be visual (laser line) or audio (via earphones) or both
  • Monitors response data for sharing with your clinician or therapist
  • 3 modes of wearing: on the waist, foot or walking aid
  • 3 days of use on single full charge


Product type
  • Device
  • Freezing
Helps with
  • Doing physical activity
  • Walking


Is there any connection between Gyenno Science or John Preston Ltd and Parkinson’s UK?

No, there is no commercial or financial relationship between us.

We have a series of policies and practices in place to make sure that our review is independent of any existing relationship between our organisations or staff. If you’d like to find out more about this, you can read about it in our transparency statement.

Background information on Gyenno Science and John Preston Ltd

None yet available.

Other frequently asked questions

None yet available.


  • Up front: £895 (plus VAT, exemption available)
  • 200g
  • White and grey