Parkinson’s UK

Tech Guide

Swallow Prompt



Page updated: 6 February 2025

Swallow Prompt is an app designed to help people who have difficulty in managing their saliva (drooling).

The app provides discrete alerts with vibration or a beep at a set interval to prompt the user to swallow and prevent excess saliva buildup.

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Swallow Prompt app on a smartphone being held in a slim hand. The screen is blue & shows a timer.

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The Swallow Prompt app.


  • Discrete alerts to your smartphone
  • Also available on Apple Watch for an even more discrete reminder
  • Choice of frequency: Set the frequency of the reminders to swallow, ranging from every 1 second to every 6 minutes.
  • Choice of alerts: You can set the reminders either as a tone or a vibration
  • Bluetooth or wired headset: allows patients to hear the discrete prompt over a wired or Bluetooth headset or on Apple Watch.


Product type
  • App
  • Saliva control

Panel review

Quick overview

A simple, easy-to-use alert prompting app that helped some to manage their drooling.


  • Can help remind you to swallow and prevent drooling.
  • Very easy to use.
  • Compatible with all smartphones and Apple Watch.
  • Works even when the device is on standby mode or set to silent.


  • Frequent alerts can be intrusive.
  • Alerts are confusingly similar to other phone notifications like medication reminders.


Swallow Prompt is an app designed to help people who have difficulty in managing excess saliva. Its premise is simple: it will vibrate or beep at a set interval to prompt the user to swallow, which stops saliva building up in their mouth. It claims to help to retrain users to swallow more often by sending reminders for when they need to swallow.

First impressions

The app is ready to use as soon as it’s downloaded onto a compatible device. There’s no registration required or any other details to fill out before use. All the reviewers said it was either “fairly easy” or “very easy” to get started with the app.

Daily use

Easy to use, with 5 main controls and large buttons. Some reviewers found the prompting alerts helped them to remember to swallow but some found the alerts too intrusive.


Most of the reviewers thought the app was good value for money, describing it as “reasonably priced” and “very affordable.”


Is there any connection between Speechtools (the developer of Swallow Prompt) and Parkinson’s UK?

SpeechTools donated free download codes for SwallowPrompt to support our panel review, and we passed these directly to the reviewers.

We have a series of policies and practices in place to make sure that our review is independent of any existing relationship between our organisations or staff. If you’d like to find out more about this, you can read about it in our transparency statement.

Background information on Speechtools

None yet available.

Other frequently asked questions

None yet available.


  • Up front: £0.99
  • 14.7 MB
  • 35.0
Phone type
  • Android and iOS